Verification of Benefits Platform

12500000 +
Lapsed Policies Flagged
400000 +
Average Additional Revenue Generated
$ 5000
Trusted by Leading Healthcare Facilities

And so much more...

VerifyTreatment Verification of Benefits App

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Even More Features to Support Your Patient Admissions Process!

Payer Alerts

Bulk Imports

Patient Claim Status

Full Access APIs

Custom Coverage PDF Export

Seamless HIPAA Compliant Communication

Dedicated Customer Support and Unlimited Training

Setting you up for success from day one is our mission at VerifyTreatment. You’ll have all the resources and personalized guidance you need to ensure you get the most out of our platform.

FAQs—Learn More about the #1 Verification of Benefits Platform

How is VerifyTX different than the current system I use for electronic verification?

Great question. Legacy verification of benefits methods are limited:

  1. Limited information – limited number of carriers accessible electronically & limited or inaccurate information. 
  2. Limited mobility – We have an app for smart phone, so you can verify benefits from anywhere.
  3. Limited functionality – VerifyTreatment is easy-to-use, easy-to-understand, AND we automate the re-verification, which traditionally can take days to accomplish.

Our Solution: We access 1700+ insurance company databases, and provide the most comprehensive electronic VOB on the market.

What insurance carriers can I access on VerifyTX I may not be able to check on my current systems?

We check the major insurance carriers (Aetna, BCBS, Cigna, Humana, United), as well as UMR, Oxford, Meridian, Molina, OptimaHealth, Priority Health, Medical Mutual, Preferred One, Qualcare, Amerihealth, UPMC, GHI, Core Source, GEHA, Healthsmart, Harvard Pilgrim, Health Alliance, Health Net, and more!

Will this replace calling the insurance company directly?

If VerifyTreatment does not provide all of the required information, use it for nights/weekend VOBs, mobile access, re-verification, and insurance carriers you can’t check using you’re current methods.

Where does the information come from and how do I know it is accurate?

We tie in directly with the insurance companies. You input the information, VerifyTreatment accesses the insurance company, and the insurance provides the result. The data provided is directly from the insurance companies’ database.

What information will be provided by VerifyTX?

Key benefit information. Policy status, policy type, deductible/out of pocket amount, met, and remaining, co-insurance, co-pays, plan name, payer notes.

Is VerifyTX HIPAA compliant?

Given the sensitive nature of our business, we take HIPAA compliance and security very seriously. VerifyTX was designed with SSL 128-bit encryption. Your data is treated with bank-like security; encrypted at all times and regularly backed up. By using the service, all users agree to our business associate agreement.

What do I need to begin using VerifyTreatment?

Account creation takes a few moments, and quick personalized training is offered at your convenience. Contact us via email or set up your account today.

We must call the insurance company before admitting a patient, can we still use the service?

Yes, absolutely! Every person that calls your center for help matters, and it’s very important to make decisions fast. Let us show you how you can admit more clients, faster and easier.

Do I need an NPI number to check client insurance?

Yes, you can access your NPI here –

Can I verify ACA policies on VerifyTX?

Yes; VerifyTX is able to check ACA policies.

Why does some insurance not give me all of the benefit / eligibility information?

We provide the information the insurance company provides to us. We are always open to your feedback, contact us at

What do I do if I fail to get a response from the insurance company?

Sometimes verifications fail to get a result. If this happens, double-check to make sure all of the information has been entered correctly and the information is accurate. You only use credits for successful transactions. We are here to help. Contact us at

Do you have a guide so that my team can get started?

Yes, the guide is located within the app and available to your team 24/7. If you need an account, contact us at, and we’ll be happy to get you onboarded.